Year End Reporting

When will I receive my year-end interest statement?

IRS guidelines require tax form 1098 to be post-marked no later than January 31st. Most loans will receive a 1098, however since filing is not required on  certain loans, a payment history can be provided, showing the interest payments, as many times interest is deductible. Please check with your tax professional.


I live in Texas. When will I receive my statement for year-end reporting?

Texas state law requires annual accounting statements be post-marked no later than January 31st.


When will I receive my Notice of Annual Accounting Statement?

Notice of Annual Accounting Statement is prepared for certain account types in Texas according to state law. Please contact Customer Service to find out if your note qualifies.


What information is included on my year-end statement?

Year-end statements include interest paid YTD on the real estate note, as well as tax premiums paid from escrow by First National Bank of America.


Where will my statement be sent?

Annual statements are mailed to the address on record as of December 31st. Please notify us in writing prior to that date if your mailing address has changed.